Yakuza Princess 4K 2021 big poster
Yakuza Princess 4K 2021

Yakuza Princess 4K 2021

Vicente Amorim
MASUMI, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Tsuyoshi Ihara, Ricardo Gelli, Atsumi Iwakiri, Ken Kaneco, Kenny Leu, Lucas Oranmian, Eijiro Ozaki, Charles Paraventi,Iuri Saraiva, Nduduzo Siba, Mariko Takai, Toshiji Takeshima, Nicolas Trevijano, Issamu Yazaky.
IMDB 4.5
File Size: 69.75 GB
Film Description
Japanese community in Sao Paulo. Akemi, a 21-year-old orphan, learns that she is the heiress of half of the Yakuza empire and that the other half of the famous crime syndicate is hungry for her death. Yakuza envoys begin to chase the girl, whose life now hangs in the balance. Salvation comes from a foreigner suffering from amnesia, who is sure that an ancient samurai sword connects his fate with a Japanese girl.

4k movies reviews
Die hussar, but you will not lose your honor!
- There they went chasing them, from there they go chasing them! What an interesting life people have!

'Do not be afraid, I'm with you', 1981, dir. Yu Gusman

Her father was a scary man in Osaka. He relaxed a little and the 'snake' crawled too close. Stung. Stung more than one of him. All the seed of the genus, competitors for cleaning the comb went. Cut out, killed. The baby is one year old, she was only saved. And taken to the other end of the world. All the way to Brazil. For the time being. Twenty years later, the past begins to sprout into the present. The girl became a girl. What will happen? How will it be? Will you show promissory notes? Who knows. Who knows ... And so that the right to 'inheritance' is not declared, it must be sent to the forefathers. Quiet. No noise, no dust. Ronin the killer is approaching an unsuspecting diva ...

Death, fire and thunder, storms and blows,
All the hussars went on horseback,
And any cornet knows for sure
What in the world is undoubtedly valuable and what is not.
The buckshot lays closer, closer, and it's time for us to run away,
But honor is above all,
Die hussar, but honor will not be lost!
Die hussar, but honor will not be lost!

It would seem, maybe something worthwhile will turn out if the film is made, say, in Brazil, the director is an Australian, and the picture is, meanwhile, about the Japanese yakuza? Well, well ... Vinaigrette, right? Real still life. And all this without humor, without irony, without buffoonery. Seriously, really. Ho ho, what is it really? With today's cosmopolitanism, why not? Why not swing? Exactly...

Honor, duty, revenge with the narrative lines of the story 'Yakuza Princess'. Framing for a crime fighter is what you need. Substitute the characters in the storyline by slightly provoking the plot with chases, gunfights, and order. Barrels, swords, blood mix with the grimaces of rage, anger, antics - a strong movie for fans of action drive is ready. And what is the foundation? What's the platform? 'Aristocratic' abysses, service to dog obedience and adherence to the code, the oath that determined the place, the meaning of life. In Russia after 1917, all this symbolism with domination was thrown into the furnace of history, but, for example, in India with their caste nature, in Britain, divided into estates, as well as in Japan with reverence for the master, everything is much more 'fun'. They serve like cattle in the field, plowing the land in a yoke. They bow their heads and even deprive themselves of their lives for accidentally falling off a 'sneeze'. It's hard for them there ...

... Run, disappear quieter than a mouse,
To Tambov, where the old mother is waiting,
But honor is above all,
Die hussar, but honor will not be lost!
Die hussar, but you will not lose your honor!

Honor, honor, honor ... Honor for a samurai is above all. Honor for the yakuza - incense on the body. They tell you to do it. They point out - you will not question. Obedience from the cradle. Subservience, sacredness of duty. Army, almost. Isn't it a hussar's share in the vortex of everyday life? Feats, fights, boyishness to deep gray hair. Save the Princess? Mistress that you have never seen? Why not? And if she is, say, a tyrant? What's the difference? At the genetic level, memory from ancestors - do, serve, kiss the master's feet ... There is no time to argue. Was this what you were taught? And the faithful vassal rushes to save the princess, her once powerful father. Patronizes. Protects. It tells about the distant times of the bloody massacre. I will save you and return you to the throne.

A film about Japanese people outside Japan. Lots of sword scenes. Lots of hand-to-hand fighting scenes. Often, fights end simply - they cut off the head, arm, they can open the skull in the heat of sparring. The corpses of bodies are strewn with the roads of truth and lies. Whose will it take? What's the difference? Do you care? A fairy tale for an audience of 18+.

Let the scoundrel go from rags to riches,
Let a fool caress the yard and know
But honor is above all,
Die hussar, but honor will not be lost!
Die hussar, but you will not lose your honor!

Info Blu-ray
Codec: HEVC / H.265 (80.1 Mb/s)
Resolution: 4K (2160p)
HDR: Dolby Vision, HDR10

English: Dolby TrueHD 7.1 (48kHz, 24-bit)
English: DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 (48kHz, 24-bit)
English: Dolby Digital 5.1

English SDH.

File size: 69.75 GB
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