Martial Law 4K 1990 big poster
Martial Law 4K 1990

Martial Law 4K 1990

USA     Movies / Drama 4K
Steve Cohen
Chad McQueen, Cynthia Rothrock, David Carradine, Andy McCutcheon, Philip Tan, Tony Longo, Vincent Craig Dupree, Jim Malinda, Rick Walters, Patricia Wilson, Lars Lundgren, Professor Toru Tanaka, John Fujioka, Etan Boritzer, Marty Dudek, Gregg Brazzel, Jeff Smolek, Joey Gaynor.
IMDB 4.8
File Size: 51.41 GB
Film Description
Police officer Sean Thompson, who has lived in Hong Kong for two years, must investigate the murder of his brother Michael, who made a living by stealing expensive cars. In the investigation he will be helped by his partner and, at the same time, mistress Billie Blake, who, like Sean, is a master of kung fu...

4k movies reviews
Here's a martial art film I say is a real keeper. "Martial Law" is fine, fast, and running and it's full of great action. Chad McQueen(Steve's son) plays a cop who teams with Cynthia Rothrock who also can kick some serious butt. I like it when she does that over the head kick that's really stealthy. David Carradine plays the sinister crime boss, Dalton Rhodes. It was amazing when he does that lethal palm strike to the heart of that huge guy. When done right, it can kill. Unfortunately, Sean's brother Micheal(Andy McCutcheon) fell the powerful impact of it when he was working for Rhodes. I liked the scene where Sean(McQueen) and Billie(Rothrock) took on the thugs, and Billie does the split and did some repeated groin punches on one the thugs. That's enough to make Johnny Cage jealous! I also like the confrontation fight between Sean and Dalton. It was great to see Dalton get a taste of his own blow. That blow is only good for defense, not for fun among friends. This movie is a lot of fun, and it's a keeper in my book!

Info Blu-ray
Codec: HEVC / H.265 (79.7 Mb/s)
Resolution: 4K (2160p)
Aspect ratio: 1.78:1
Original aspect ratio: 1.85:1

German: DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0
English: DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0
English: Dolby Digital 5.1

English, German.

File size: 51.41 GB
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