Kaithi 4K 2019 big poster
Kaithi 4K 2019

Kaithi 4K 2019

India     Tamil 4K
Lokesh Kanagaraj
Karthi, Narain, Arjun Das, George Maryan, Harish Uthaman, Hareesh Peradi, Ramana, Dheena, Suryakanth, Kanna Ravi, Amzath Khan, Arun Alexander, Lallu, Vatsan Chakravarthy, Udayaraj, Kishore Rajkumar, Deepthi, Monica.
IMDB 8.4
File Size: 8.43 GB
Film Description
A police task force led by Bejoy intercepts a large shipment of drugs to catch drug lord Anbu. But due to the actions of corrupt police officers, the operation is jeopardized and the members of the task force are poisoned. Bejoy is forced to ask for help from a criminal Dilly, who has just been released from prison, to get his injured colleagues to the hospital by truck as quickly as possible and to get to Anbu before he finds the hidden "goods". The distance to the destination is 80 kilometers, and Anbu's militants are given orders to kill everyone in the truck.

4k movies reviews
An undercover cop and a brave officer on the warpath against drug dealers. A mobster who wants his merchandise back. A father traveling to meet the daughter he's never seen. An officer who has yet to take up his post in a new police station. One dark night, they are all tied together in a single struggle for survival. Their chances of surviving until morning are minimal. There is nowhere to wait for help, the whole situation is kept in complete secrecy. And only one of them can significantly affect the outcome of this story. But why should he do all this if he has nothing to do with it?

Lokesh Kanagaraj is a specialist in action thrillers. But that's now, and back then, in 2019, 'The Prisoner' was only his second movie after his debut. A bunch of awards in various categories, including best director and best lead actor, plus a decent box office score and positive reviews from critics - the result of the fact that Lokesh was clearly born under a lucky star. Especially when you look at the success of his subsequent films. I think the secret is that there is a drive in them that keeps you glued to the screen until the very end.

You can say that the staging of the fight scenes is brought almost to realism, if we do not take into account that the main characters are unkillable against all odds. In 'The Prisoner' the plot is painted in gloomy colors, as, however, in all gangster films. The action is divided into two locations - on the road and in the police station. By the way, this confined space creates even more tension. Everything happens here and now without any flashbacks. There was no special bloodshed, strangely enough. There was some drama at some moments, but it was very dosed. That is, the balance of action and humanity is kept perfectly. And the timing is calculated very accurately, there is no feeling that the plot has long since passed the allotted night hours. Even here everything is as realistic as possible.

The play of the actors can only be praised. A great joy, personally for me, that the main role was played by Karthik, and not someone else. He fit perfectly into his new image. I never cease to be amazed, even after many years of watching his career, how he manages to play everything so effortlessly, without the usual heroic ponts. Time simply has no power over him. He didn't get better with age, he was just always the best. In this movie, although there were no flashbacks, but one episode with a flashback was still present. And thanks to Karthik, it was described so colorfully and with feeling that it really got through. And the ending, in my opinion, was gorgeous. In general, the last 30 minutes of the movie is the most delicious. When ordinary people become real heroes simply because they have a sense of responsibility not only for themselves, but also for others. That's what really deserves respect. Therefore, I believe that George Marian was also justly awarded the Best Supporting Actor award. There are no pronounced protagonists in the movie, just two key characters who pull all the attention to themselves. The final outing of Dilly and Napoleon is worthy of applause.

Sam K.C. has created great soundtracks that match the atmosphere. If you listen to the album in isolation from the picture, you can try to imagine the story told through the music. I think you can partly do that. It's something darkly grandiose and at the same time incredibly appealing. There are very few vocals, but you don't really need them for a movie like this. As I said, the maximum attention is paid to action, so there is nowhere to put the dancing - songs. But there is plenty of adrenaline in the frame, the trailer will not lie.

The success of 'Prisoner' has not gone unnoticed, and in 2023 we are promised a Bollywood remake starring Ajay Devgan. It will be interesting to see if Bollywood can make a hit of its own. I love and respect Ajay, so of course I wish him luck. But from my observations, the South has started dominating the North in recent times. It is quite fascinating to watch this confrontation, because once South Indian films were perceived by audiences all over the world as the Indian film industry as a whole, but now, before watching something, you first check whose production, who is the director, who are the actors, and already on the basis of this you form a certain expectation from watching. And in general, so far the southerners do not let us down, but confidently strive forward, raising the bar of quality higher and higher.

'The Prisoner' also passed the quality test and deserved the highest rating. Fans of action and action movies are recommended to watch it. Fans of Karthik should watch the movie. Have a good time and good mood!

File size: 8.43 GB
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