The Deep House 4K 2021 big poster
The Deep House 4K 2021

The Deep House 4K 2021

Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury
Camille Rowe, James Jagger, Eric Savin, Alexis Servaes, Anne Claessens, Carolina Massey, Marie Caffier, Marie Bernard.
IMDB 5.3
File Size: 39.97 GB
Film Description
Video bloggers Tina and Ben travel the world filming old abandoned buildings. Determined to impress subscribers, they travel to a region in southwestern France known for frequent floods and dive to the bottom of a lake to explore a flooded house.

4k movies reviews
Places where, according to legends and legends, ghosts inhabit have their own special aura, which attracts tourists, journalists, and researchers of the paranormal from all over the civilized world. You can say as much as you want that mysticism is no more than a deception and fiction, and yet even in times of technological gadgets and general awareness, people continue to feel a taste for the supernatural and visit places where ghosts and spirits live, in order to tickle the nerves and at the same time capture on camera traces of otherworldly presence. One of the most famous haunted mansions is rightly considered a Winchester Mansion, once owned by the famous family of arms. Every year this place is visited by countless people, and even though its appearance is not the same as before, this fact does not stop the adventurers from having an opportunity to see with their own eyes the ghosts, lifetime killed with the legendary rifle. No less popular among the catchers of the supernatural also enjoys a mansion, located in the small British town of Borley, and once the residence of the local vicar. Rumor has it that a nun was once brutally murdered in the basement of the building, and since then her spirit wanders the estate and scares everyone he meets on his way. In fact, the mansion in Borley was made famous by none other than mystic and hoaxer Harry Price, who claimed that he had actually found evidence of a sinister spirit in the rectory, after which the quiet British town became one of the most important tourist spots in the country. But even with more than a hundred haunted locations around the world, this isn't enough to satisfy the demands of an audience eager to experience the otherworldly in both film and real life. And to quench the considerable demand of the audience, filmmakers from all over the world have to create their new, special stories, able to give the audience what they so passionately want, thanks to the screens appeared another frightening legend, known as "The Underwater House" and able to interest the lovers of the genre with its revelations.

The plot of the movie introduces us to a young couple in love, Ben (James Jagger) and Tina (Camille Rowe), who are seriously into everything supernatural and do not miss a single opportunity to visit any place where strong paranormal activity is noticed. Keeping their video blog on the Internet, the heroes try to go live and share their sincere, genuine impressions with the audience. Thanks to this, Ben and Tina have formed its own strong fan base waiting for every new episode of their amateur show on YouTube, and the heroes themselves do not cease to delight subscribers with their fearless explorations, which in addition to the mystery always finds room for good humor and friendly altercations. Deciding at last to drive through the good old Europe, the New York guests get to the picturesque regions of France where they seriously want to visit some abandoned sanatorium, where surely more than one spooky ghost must live. However, when Ben and Tina arrive at the place, they observe not the best picture for their research and see that the place is full of tourists, which automatically kills the whole atmosphere of mystery, which means the new episode of the show is in jeopardy. However, our heroes are too early to get upset, because they accidentally met a very sympathetic guy named Pierre (Eric Savin), who agreed to show bloggers a hidden from public view mansion, flooded a couple of decades ago because of an important government program. According to Pierre, where he leads travelers, there certainly will not be prying eyes, and if you try not to be afraid, you can actually find the disembodied spirits that are not going anywhere from their estate. And it is quite natural that Ben and Tina will accept such a promising offer, because they can become true discoverers of a new promising place for mystical tourism, but the heroes really had no idea how terrifying their unplanned trip will be and what revelations about the afterlife will be revealed to them.

It is no longer easy to surprise viewers with traditional scary stories in which the protagonists have to visit an abandoned mental hospital or an ancient castle whose dungeons keep their bloody secrets. In a similar setting was filmed countless films and need to admit that very few directors have been able to extract from such subjects something truly intriguing and frightening. Understanding the current state of affairs in the horror genre, Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Mori decided to work out their own special story, which would be distinguished first of all by an unexpected and remarkable place of action, which alone is able to arouse the audience's interest and make them move closer to the screens. Submerged haunted mansions have almost never appeared on the screen, and this fact is already worthy of attention, because thanks to the unusual location, as well as mystical themes, the filmmakers have a great opportunity to play out on the set of genuine fears associated with the fear of closed space, darkness, the unknown, as well as the very paranormal, for which the audience and are taken to watch such films. And it is worth admitting that Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury manage to build a really atmospheric, ominous story, the tension in which begins to rise long before the main characters visit the flooded mansion.

The first disturbing notes appear in the film at the moment when James and Tina meet Pierre on their way, who agrees to take the heroes far away from the traditional tourist routes without any problems, and this fact in itself already raises certain suspicions. When the action gradually comes to the research of the house, you start to feel something mystic in the air and you understand that after the plunge into the dark waters the spirit world will show itself in all its glory and make the reckless YouTube fans repeatedly regret that they got out of their native New York and found themselves in a place where they can't count on the police help at all. It is also worth noting that in addition to flirting with the supernatural, which has fully occupied the flooded mansion, the filmmakers have worked out a very intriguing detective story related to a number of unsolved crimes, as well as the occult, which has always been widespread in France. Paired with the main characters, the viewer will have to step by step uncover the terrifying secrets of the house and finally understand why it is better not to go to some places without serious accompaniment and support, because behind the humorous adventures and shooting blogs you can accidentally come across really creepy things that will not let you off so easily. And that, in turn, tells you that the film has something to intrigue and scare you with.

Info Blu-ray
Codec: HEVC / H.265 (67.9 Mb/s)
Resolution: Native 4K (2160p)
HDR: Dolby Vision, HDR10
Aspect ratio: 2.39:1
Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1

English: Dolby Digital Plus 7.1
Italian: Dolby Digital 5.1

English, Italian.

File size: 39.97 GB
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