Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 4K 2008 big poster
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 4K 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 4K 2008

Steven Spielberg
Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Shia LaBeouf, Karen Allen, Ray Winstone, John Hurt, Jim Broadbent, Igor Jijikine, Dimitri Diatchenko, Ilia Volok, Emmanuel Todorov, Pasha D. Lychnikoff, Andrew Divoff, Venya Manzyuk, Alan Dale, Joel Stoffer, Neil Flynn, V.J. Foster.
IMDB 6.1
File Size: 57.42 GB
Film Description
1957, the height of the Cold War. Soviet soldiers, led by agent Irina Spalko, kidnap Marion Ravenwood, Indiana Jones's longtime lover, leaving the professor with a choice: Marion's inaction and death, or helping Soviet intelligence in search of the legendary Crystal Skull in exchange for a woman's freedom.

4k movies reviews
What does a person need to be happy? Simple human joys, expressed in material well-being and position in society, or something else, spiritual, coupled with receiving a stream of emotions and feelings arising from touching the beloved and desired ...

George Lucas is a genius! When, in 1973, the idea arose in his head to make a series of films about an archaeological scientist looking around the world for priceless and lost historical artifacts, no one in this world could even imagine that 35 years later, a multi-million army of fans of this amazing adventure epic would be with with great impatience to wait for such a long-awaited continuation of the original trilogy, counting the days and hours until the premiere in anticipation of the great and grandiose - in anticipation of an amazing adventure!

Time is running inexorably forward! A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since the release of the last part of the epic trilogy about the adventures of Indiana Jones. Actors age, and with them the heroes of the film inevitably age, losing irrevocably their former youth, but acquiring something more valuable and necessary at their disposal.

Harrison Ford is the same beloved Indiana Jones, a little older and grayer, but retaining all the best and adored by all fans without exception, adding new horizons to this rich and well-established image, tirelessly giving out to all enemies what they deserve , proving to all skeptics and doubters that he still has "gunpowder in powder flasks" and that the years have not deprived him of that amazing charm, one has only to take off the strict university costume of Professor Henry Jones Jr., and put on the adored and extremely recognizable in all countries of the world , only in silhouette, hat!

But whatever his heroic image is, we must all understand that he can no longer destroy his enemies alone, and the Hollywood conveyor dictates its own conditions, forcing, having resigned himself to the inevitability of the situation in modern cinema, to invite to another important role in the film one of the idols of teenagers and the future star - Shia LaBeouf, who, by the way, perfectly coped with the task set before him, diluting the old-fashioned jokes of Professor Jones with his sparkling and relevant humor, combined with the unsurpassed comicity of some situations, adding a very impressive army to the audience seats young viewers who have seen, for the most part, old films, but do not relate to them the way representatives of the older generation do, who also did not remain deprived and had the opportunity to get great pleasure from the very unexpected, but therefore even more pleasant return of Karen Allen in the role of Marion Ravenwood, bringing into it an incredible my entourage and soulfulness of the very first film of the trilogy.

Comedy and humor, laughter and irony - everything remained in its place, having received a good increase in its asset in the form of the main enemy, which, if not considered from the point of view of spitting towards our proud state, looks very ironic and funny, but in its own chiefs has a charming Cate Blanchett, dressed in a uniform a la "long forgotten 50s", with a classic buckle on the belt and, causing nothing more than an idyllic smile, the inscription on the back - USSR! In addition, the authors did not apply to honor the memory of those who have not been with us for a long time, and those who, for one reason or another, could not take part in this project, but whose merit in the face of fans is undeniable, bringing notes of touching nostalgia, and invisible, barely noticeable parallel ...

The only thing that, perhaps, you shouldn't even try to do while sitting in the armchair of the cinema hall is to look down on this film, tightly 'sealing' it to the original trilogy, which has long gone beyond the scope of a simple masterpiece, and has become a truly cult film, united in several generations of spectators, connoisseurs and admirers!

If you try to do this, you will be thrown far beyond the understanding and realization that today history is happening before our eyes, like the handprint of famous actors, immortalizing in the memory of descendants this film work, which, over the years, has not lost its charm, charm, subtle and clever humor, as well as an incredible spirit of adventure, unjustifiably forgotten for long 19 years, but by the will of fate and providence itself, returned to our screens to, as before, gather a surprisingly diverse audience in the halls, once again proving its universality of the chosen direction and genre.

Critics and reviewers - don't rush to go to the movies! Finish all your urgent business, sort out all the issues and problems on the agenda at the moment, because you can always find a couple of free hours of your precious time to evaluate this film with a dry and sane mind, finding in it, with all its visible and obvious advantages, a bunch of minuses and shortcomings in the script, storyline and, perhaps, even in the game of the main characters, and smashing it "to smithereens" is your right!

Fans and admirers - drop everything and run to the cinemas, for it is extremely rare that we get that cherished chance to be present at a historical moment! Turn off your brains and turn on emotions, and I am absolutely sure that you will get great and incomparable pleasure from watching this undeniably grandiose adventure epic, worthy to take its place of honor on the shelf with your favorite films, once again proving that time has no power over the eternal !

Well, now ask me what a person needs to be happy - and I'll answer you: just see on the screen such a familiar and so desirable silhouette of a man in a hat, which, to the accompaniment of a simple, unpretentious and at the same time ingenious melody, at the sounds of which the eyes are welling tears and incredible pride and immeasurable respect appear in my soul, she will snap a whip, hit her fist, defeat all enemies and, having obtained a priceless historical artifact, will mentally tell us all from the screen - I have returned ... I have returned to bring to your homes, souls and hearts the best, bright and desired - positive emotions and crazy adventures that we all have been waiting for for 19 long years, but - it was worth it!

It was worth it to buy your cherished ticket after anxious waiting, and plunging into the darkness of the cinema hall again feel that long-forgotten, and at the same time never unforgettable feeling of touching the legend, so that after two hours, leaving the cinema in the company of such unfamiliar, but at the same time already family and people close to you, with full confidence and being aware of the public to declare - today I am truly happy ...

Start watching from the first part: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark 4K 1981

Info Blu-ray
Codec: HEVC / H.265 (54.1 Mb/s)
Resolution: Native 4K (2160p)
HDR: Dolby Vision, HDR10
Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1

English: Dolby Atmos
English: Dolby TrueHD 7.1 (48kHz, 24-bit)
English: Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
French: Dolby Digital 5.1
Italian: Dolby Digital 5.1
Japanese: Dolby Digital 5.1
Russian: Dolby Digital 5.1

English SDH, Mandarin (Simplified), Mandarin (Traditional), Danish, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, Finnish, Swedish, Thai, Japanese.

File size: 57.42 GB
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