23-09-2021, 16:16
Drama 4K
At 3:15 pm, a terrible train crash occurs. Of the 132 passengers, only one survives. David Dunn didn't just survive in the middle of a hell of iron and fire - he didn't get a single scratch. And only one person on earth
IMDB 7.3
SIZE 54.56 GB
23-09-2021, 12:56
Movies / Drama 4K
The film tells the story of the creation of one of the most popular social networks on the Internet - Facebook. The resounding success of this network among users around the world forever changed the lives of fellow students at
IMDB 7.7
SIZE 47.51 GB
21-09-2021, 23:22
Drama 4K
The story of the life and love of two sisters - sensual Elinor and passionate Marianne, whose happiness and future are darkened by the death of their father and the loss of a huge family fortune. 4k movies reviews After the
IMDB 7.7
SIZE 75.52 GB
20-09-2021, 10:38
Drama 4K
The dim light of blind lanterns, the skeletons of factory chimneys choking in their own smoke. Skyscraper towers of Babel, all of this is the hell of the New Time, New York. Vietnam War veteran Travis Bickle drives his lonely
IMDB 8.2
SIZE 67.55 GB
19-09-2021, 14:56
Drama 4K
Army Lieutenant Frederick Manayon is arrested for the murder of bar owner Barney Quill. He claims that the bartender beat and raped his wife Laura. And, although Laura fully confirms her husband's version, the medical
IMDB 8.0
SIZE 76.02 GB
17-09-2021, 11:29
Comedy 4K
John Winger lost his job one terrible day, lost his car, parted with his apartment and his girlfriend. How to live on? John makes a strong-willed decision to volunteer for the army and persuades his friend Russell to join him.
IMDB 6.9
SIZE 68.38 GB
14-09-2021, 16:02
Comedy 4K / Animation 4K
Brothers Tim and Ted have matured a long time ago and drifted apart. Ted became the CEO of the investment fund, and Tim devoted himself to his family. He married, settled in the suburbs and had two beautiful daughters, Tina and
IMDB 5.9
SIZE 42.88 GB
13-09-2021, 20:49
Movies / Drama 4K
One of the greatest films of our time, now comes in even more color with 4K quality. Accountant Andy Dufrein is charged with the murder of his own wife and her lover. Once in a prison called Shawshank, he is faced with the
IMDB 9.3
SIZE 57.98 GB
12-09-2021, 16:50
Horror 4K
A team of scientists at the American research base in Antarctica will face an inexplicable, monstrous nightmare. Cut off from the whole world, polar explorers enter into an unequal battle with an alien creature that has awakened
IMDB 8.1
SIZE 72.91 GB
12-09-2021, 16:07
Movies / Adventure 4K
Natasha Romanoff will have to face her past face to face. The Black Widow will have to remember what was in her life long before joining the Avengers team, and learn about a dangerous conspiracy, into which her old acquaintances
IMDB 6.8
SIZE 55.88 GB
12-09-2021, 11:36
Adventure 4K
Returning home from Vulcan in an expropriated Klingon spaceship, Kirk and his team prepare for the worst in advance. Although the duty of honor has been fulfilled, and Spock is alive and well with us again, the team has no more
IMDB 7.3
SIZE 57.32 GB
11-09-2021, 12:21
Adventure 4K
The defeat of Khan and the creation of the planet Genesis were another triumph for Captain James T. Kirk; but these victories no longer matter to him. Kirk lost one of his best friends, Spock, who died saving the Enterprise, a
IMDB 6.7
SIZE 56.39 GB